The RVC offers a dedicated equine dermatology referral service.

Patients can be seen on an outpatient basis or admitted to the Equine Referral Hospital if further investigations, such as intradermal allergy testing, are advised.

Skin diseases in horses can be difficult to diagnose and frustrating to manage. RVC Equine dermatology specialists investigate and treat the full range of diseases, including:

  • Itching, or pruritus
  • Allergic skin reactions, or recurrent urticaria
  • Localised or widespread swelling, or nodular diseases
  • Scaling and crusting (scabs and oozing)
  • Changes in skin or hair colour, or pigmentary disorders
  • Skin diseases affecting lower limbs

Our specialists collaborate across disciplines, and this multidisciplinary approach is particularly valuable in cases where underlying or concurrent disease is suspected. The multi-systemic approach at the Equine Referral Hospital benefits patients, referring vets and horse owners, who are reassured that their horse or pony is in the very best hands.

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