Page 62 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26







Page 62 - RVC Undergraduate Prospectus 25-26
P. 62

RVET           6                      CAMDEN &
           R84          YEARS       D101        HAWKSHEAD                   f


        BACHELOR OF                                           COURSE OVERVIEW

        VETERINARY MEDICINE                                   In your intercalated year, you can study a BSc course on
                                                              offer at other UK universities, or one of two tailor-made
        WITH                                                  intercalated BSc courses at the RVC. These are available
                                                              for intercalation for second and third year veterinary,
        INTERCALATED YEAR                                     medical and dentistry students.

                                                              INTERCALATED BSc BIOVETERINARY SCIENCES
                                                              aimed at students with a strong interest in research.
        This programme allows you to study                    The programme allows you to develop your interests in
                                                              cutting-edge scientific research and aims to equip you
        the five-year BVetMed course plus                     with a passion for biomedical research within the context

        an additional year completing an                      of a diverse range of species, an appreciation of the
                                                              fundamental principles of bioveterinary disciplines, and an
        intercalated degree. The additional year              understanding of the complexity of comparative biology.
        of study means that you will gain a more              INTERCALATED BSc COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY
        rounded education, additional scientific              Pathology, the science of disease, is central to understanding

        context, and carry out in-depth research              and conduct of veterinary and biomedical research, clinical
                                                              medicine and surgery. There is a need for veterinary scientists
        to better your understanding.                         who are trained in pathology and pathology techniques to
                                                              fulfil the ever-growing demand for such expertise arising from
                                                              clinical practice, academia and industry.
                                                              This course is particularly suited for students who want to
        UK tuition fees: £9,250*                              get a more in-depth first-hand experience of contemporary
        International tuition fees: £44,610*
                                                              pathology than is possible on a standard veterinary degree,
        * Tuition fees are subject to change. Fees listed are representative of   or who think they may be interested in scientific research
        entry in 2024 and should be used as a guide only. See page 88 for more   following graduation.
        information. International students will pay the BSc tuition fees for their
        intercalated year which is £24,370 for 2024 entry.
                                                              This intercalated programme will stimulate curiosity at the
                                                              boundaries of research in pathology and infectious disease.

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