Page 12 - Living and Course Costs
P. 12

Course Costs
In addition to the routine expenses, it is also important to budget for course- related expenditure.
This includes books, equipment and travel, particularly travel to placements and events. The type of equipment, clothing and books that you will require will depend on the course you are studying. A reasonable estimate to cover these items is £250 - £500 in your first year. For more information see link .
In later years of the Veterinary Medicine course there will also be further additional travel costs as students go on practice (Rotations and Extra Mural Studies (EMS). Please be aware that you may also have to pay further living costs and have access to a vehicle during your clinical years.
You will also find that vacations may be spent on placements, giving you limited opportunities for part-time work. Some part-time opportunities working for the College do arise from time to time throughout the year.
Additional costs associated with specialist equipment - much of which can be bought from our SU Shop.
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