The Commercial portal provides an easy, flexible way for you to pay your customer invoices.  Customer can make payments for the following services:  

  • RVC Home Office Licence Courses
  • RVC Diagnostic Laboratories
  • Research Funders
  • London BioScience Innovation Centre Ltd
  • Any other commercial customer (beginning C1*)

Please make sure you fill in all the fields correctly so we can allocate the payment to the correct customer account.  

Please note: payments to RVC Hospitals should NOT be made using this portal as the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals and RVC Equine have separate specific arrangements.

You can pay with the following cards (all amounts will be billed to the card holder in pounds sterling only):

Mastercard Visa

Before proceeding, it is most important that you read the Terms & Conditions, in particular our cancellation and refunds section. Please also note that it may take up to 3 working days for payments to be processed although we aim to process payments as quickly as possible.

Your data will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 for more detail please view our privacy notice.

If you have any queries please call the Finance team on 0207 468 5136 / 0207 468 5027

This payment page will take your payment details on a secure WorldPay page once you click the 'Enter Card Details' button. 

Only enter your card details on a secure padlocked page with the address https://secure.worldpay.com

Secure WorldPay address bar showing a padlock

Customer Details

Please provide the following client details as shown on your statement or invoice.

Cardholder Details



In Partnership with WorldPay

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