Page 8 - Clinical Strategy 2024-2029
P. 8
quality improvement are embedded
Theme 1: in our teams as well as within our
Clinical quality undergraduate and post graduate
Through our clinical sites we deliver an clinical teaching, and across our
veterinary and veterinary nursing
exemplary quality of care recognising
and role modelling the importance
Encourage our undergraduate and
of systems, process and culture,
ֱ students to utilise our
alongside knowledge and technical clinical sites to undertake quality
skills, in the delivery of veterinary care improvement projects and support the
today. dissemination of this information both
internally and externally to maximise
To achieve this aim we will: impact
Role model best practice for working Embed a continuous improvement
culture within clinical environments culture across all elements of our
focusing on psychological safety, a service delivery that impact the quality
non-hierarchical, inter-professional team of care including operational processes
approach and civility at work such as rounds and handovers
Implement a suite of internal quality Work with the wider sector to support
improvement metrics, some across all the ongoing evolution of a systematic
units and some unit specifi c, to allow us approach to quality and safety through
to evidence the quality of our care and CPD, thought leadership and research
demonstrate continuous improvement
Ensure an understanding of the
principles of patient safety and